Real Love Page 13
“Sure, show me what you’ve got so far.” Joel reached for his laptop, and they escaped the paranormal woes by trying to find a bastard who scammed old ladies.
Chapter Twelve
The date went great, like always. They went to see another new historical movie, which was surprisingly full of action, and then they got a takeaway meal in the local Chinese place and got back home to relax. As soon as they settled on the sofa to eat it, Jack decided to just get it out there.
“So, you know how I told you about mates?” Luc looked up at him.
“Mhm,” he said around a mouthful of his kung-pao chicken. He swallowed, then continued. “It’s the instinctual thing, right? That shifters and some other paranormals recognize it when they meet their prospective partners?”
“Yeah, nobody knows exactly how it works, whether it’s some hormonal reaction, magic, fate, whatever. There are as many theories as there are paranormal creatures.”
“Right.” Lucas nodded, took another bite, and chewed it thoughtfully. “But it’s a choice, you said? You could ignore it if you wanted?”
“Of course!” Jack hurried to reassure him. “It’s not some kind of magical whammy or a compulsion or whatever. It’s just a feeling letting you know that this person could be a perfect partner for you.” They ate in silence for a while.
“That sounds surprisingly nice,” Lucas finally said. “Comforting to know that while you might be going through a rough patch at the moment if you work on it, you’ll eventually get there and patch things up.” Jack considered it for a moment. It did sound nice. He never really contemplated it from a human perspective before. He nodded, then forced himself back on the subject.
“Right, well, for most shifters and paranormals it’s exactly that. You mate in whatever way your species mates, and then you’re bonded with magical or biological or whatever kind of bond. It’s supposed to make it easier to understand and get along with your other half.”
Lucas seemed to realize that Jack was trying to tell him something important because he asked patiently, “For most? But not for all?” Jack shook his head and busied himself with his food for a bit. Finally, he spoke, staring into space.
“You know how I told you that cuberows, Ethiopian wolf-shifters, have this huge disadvantage?”
“Yeah, you can’t survive without a pack, right?” Lucas’s voice was strained, but Jack didn’t allow himself to look at him. He nodded and continued.
“Yes, well, there’s a legend that says this is why cuberow shifters were gifted with a special ability. Whenever a cuberow shifter claims a prospective mate who is human, that human will then go through a change and they will turn into an Ethiopian wolf-shifter as well. It allows them to form their own little pack of two. Makes it more equal and easier for them.” Lucas was quiet and Jack couldn’t brave looking at him.
Finally, the man asked, “But it only happens with their prospective mates?”
“Yeah, it would still bond a cuberow to a chosen human mate with the mate bond, but it wouldn’t change the human if he wasn’t a prospective one.” Lucas was quiet once again, and Jack could almost feel the tension rising in him.
“Jack,” he asked finally in a quiet voice, “do you not want to bond with me, because you’re waiting for your prospective mate? Because you want to bond with them and change them? I wouldn’t blame you. I mean, you’re the only Ethiopian wolf-shifter in your pack, and if the pack bonds are so important to your kind, then it must be very lonely.”
Jack’s head snapped up as his jaw dropped.
“What are you talking about?” he finally asked, astonished.
“Isn’t that why you told me about it?” Lucas sounded confused. “To explain why you won’t mate with me?” Jack worked his jaw for a minute then shook his head and slapped his forehead, groaning.
“We’re both idiots,” he said in the end. “Luc.” He caught the other man’s gaze and held it. “You are my prospective mate, always have been. I’m telling you this to prepare you for what will happen if you agree to bond with me.”
“So, you do want to mate with me?” Lucas asked for clarification.
“Of course I do!” He threw his hands in the air in exasperation. “I just worried that the idea of being changed into a wolf will be too much for you after all the shocks you’ve had.”
“I admit it sounds a bit scary,” Lucas said. “But not as scary as losing you to some random human because your instincts told you so.” Lucas grinned then pulled Jack in for a kiss, careful of the food containers between them. The kiss was gentle and tasted of sweet and sour sauce. When they pulled apart, they rested their foreheads against each other.
“We’re a pair of numpties, aren’t we?” Jack whispered with a smile in his voice.
“So we are,” Luc agreed with a matching smile. Jack thought they might just work it out.
“Okay then, let’s start this conversation over.” He went back to his food and Luc did the same. “Lucas Cartwright, you are my prospective mate. If I claim you, you will be turned into a cuberow-shifter. What are your thoughts on the matter?” He grinned at his lover. Lucas grinned back and tried for an equally serious tone.
“Jack Robinson, I am certainly open to the idea. However, I think it is a huge life changing decision and I need to think it through. Is that okay?”
“It is more than okay.” Jack’s mock seriousness turned into a real one. “I know it’s a lot to take in. Take all the time you need. There is no rush.”
“Thank you.” Lucas’s eyes conveyed his honesty.
They went back to their meal in a companionable silence. Jack had a feeling that they were going to be all right.
* * * *
Toby sat in the back garden staring at the sky and listening to various birds sing. The weather was very pleasant, and he was relaxing, letting his thoughts drift. A slight buzz in the back of his brain was trying to ruin his mood, and he was doing his best to ignore it. The buzz has been there this past week. It came and went, normally louder whenever he was outside. Toby took a deep breath and released it slowly. He wasn’t going to let this new weirdness ruin his chill. A gust of wind rustled through nearby bushes, and Toby could swear it was whispering something to him. He closed his eyes and listened carefully. He had learned his lesson. He wasn’t ever going to discount hearing disembodied voices again. The whispers grew increasingly more insistent, and he was so awfully close to understanding what they were telling him…
Someone plopped into the chair next to him, and the whispers stopped as suddenly as they had started. Toby sighed, took a deep calming breath, and opened his eyes. His half-hearted glare landed on a person who was certain to ignore it. And sure enough, Eric gave him an unapologetic grin. Toby rolled his eyes. He was not Ty to let himself be wound up by the god.
“Hullo, Tobs, whatcha doing?” Eric asked conversationally.
“I was actually listening to the wind. It was trying to whisper something to me, but got shy and disappeared when you arrived.” Toby looked his father-in-law directly in the eye. Eric raised his eyebrows.
“Right, well, can’t say I know why it would have done it. From what I know, there is no grudge between me and the wind or any wind gods or elementals.”
Toby didn’t comment on that. Instead, he asked, “Care to explain how is it that I can understand wind’s whispers?” Eric waved his hand in the air dismissively.
“I told you already. You’re not human. You have paranormal blood.”
“Yes, so you said. But it’s not very helpful if I don’t know what kind of paranormal and what their abilities are. Discovering I can talk to the only owlcat in existence and that I understand the wind isn’t exactly that useful, don’t you think? And then there was that energy attack which slid right off me when the fairy-bitch shot at me. It would be handy to know whether it was a fluke, or a natural ability my ancestry granted me.” Toby’s voice was calm even as his irritation rose. What was the point of being part paranormal if he had no c
lue what he could or couldn’t do? It was worse than useless. Eric contemplated him for a while before he spoke.
“I can see your point,” he said, then watched him through narrowed eyes. “The best I can tell from your overall aura is that your paranormal part comes from a nature spirit. If I had to guess I’d say Slavic in origin. I’m not an expert on Slavic mythology, never really had much to do with that part of the paranormal world. They have so many nasty creatures over there, striga, upir, vilkolak.” Eric shivered theatrically. Then he brightened and clicked his fingers. “Wait a second, I do have a couple of friends over there though. Give me a minute.” Eric reached into his pocket and pulled out a shiny smartphone. He poked around it for a moment before lifting his finger in the air in a ‘wait a moment’ gesture. Toby could just about hear the signal as Eric waited for someone to pick up. A grumble could be heard, and Eric grinned manically. “Rokita, you old devil! How are you? Yeah? I’m fine, same old, same old. Listen, have you heard from your brother lately? Yeah, I know, Boruta is useless with technology. He doesn’t even have a Facebook or Twitter account! Mhm. Mental, absolutely mental. Yeah, I’ve got a little conundrum here, and I could use that clever devil’s help. Nah, nothing too urgent, but I bet he’ll love a challenge. Mmm.” Eric sounded thoughtful. “I know he hates leaving his town, but it’ll be worth it, I promise. Aha. Yep, I’ve got this guy here who is part paranormal. Best I can tell he’s some kind of Slavic nature spirit. Yeah, I thought Boruta might be interested in that.” Eric’s grin broadened. “Sure, you’re welcome to come as well. The more the merrier. I’d like to figure out what he is and then he’ll need help with his abilities.” Eric’s eyes twinkled as he winked at Toby. “Now why would I tell you that? Nope, you’ll have to come and see for yourself.” Eric chortled and smacked his thigh in glee. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll speak to you soon. Bye.” Eric disconnected and grinned at Toby. “There, that’s taken care of.”
“What is?” Toby asked suspiciously.
“My old friends, Boruta and Rokita, are gonna come and help out with your mystery. Boruta is very clever, and he’ll be able to find out what you are. Oh, we used to have so much fun together, back in the day. And the two devils can drink beer like no one else. This is gonna be fun. Rokita is such a hoot!” Eric chortled like a deranged hyena.
“Right…” Toby didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but it sounded like the god’s friends’ visit could turn remarkably interesting. Toby wasn’t sure he liked interesting. Eric ignored him, clearly stuck in internal reminiscence about good old days.
Jason joined them, distracting Toby from his thoughts. While it would be nice if Eric’s friends could help him figure out his paranormal ancestry, he wasn’t sure he trusted they would. By Eric’s tone and his conversation, they seemed like trouble. Jason started to chat with his father, and Toby smiled. He loved his mates even if one of them was a very annoying tiger and the other had a father even more annoying than that. Toby sent a silent thanks to whoever was watching over him that day Jason stormed into his life like a force of nature. Despite all the hardships that came their way, that had been the most fortunate day of Toby’s life. He would forever be grateful to the fates for directing Jay-Jay and Ty his way.
Chapter Thirteen
“Hello, lover.” Luc gave Jack a sexy grin as he opened the door and invited him inside.
“Hello to you too.” Jack returned the expression. The cuberow shifter looked incredibly sexy dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks. He was coming straight from parents evening and looked slightly rumpled and a bit tired but happy. Luc closed the door and pinned his lover against it, ravishing him with a hungry kiss. Damn but he loved this man! Jack didn’t seem to mind his attack because he grinned at Luc once the kiss ended. Jack’s mouth was swollen, his eyes sparkling, and he positively beamed at Luc. “Mmm, that’s what I call a proper hello,” the man said with a smile.
“I missed you.” Luc buried his nose in the crook of Jack’s neck, inhaling his earthy scent. Despite not ever wearing a cologne, Jack always smelled nice. Luc suspected it was something to do with his paranormal nature, but maybe it was simply Jack being Jack. There was still a lot Lucas had to learn about paranormal world.
“Yeah, I missed you too,” Jack admitted quietly. They’d both been terribly busy recently and had little time for each other. Lucas was tired of it and decided to fix it. He had shipped the kids off to his parents for the weekend and asked Jack to clear his calendar for two days. He had a nice dinner planned for the two of them and then maybe a relaxing bath and some sexy times. It was going to be a tight fit in the bath, but he didn’t care. He needed to be close to his man. Giving Jack one last quick peck, he took his hand and pulled the man with him to the kitchen.
“Mmm, something smells nice,” Jack said as he took a seat at the island. Luc went around the other side and went back to chopping veggies. “What are you making?”
“It’s going to be lentil dal with egg fried rice,” Luc answered. “It should be ready in another ten minutes. So, tell me about your day. How did the parents evening go?” They chatted amiably over the meal. It was nice, so very normal. In moments like this Lucas had trouble believing that his lover was a paranormal creature. Shouldn’t he be more mysterious and wilder? But no, Jack was still Jack, the same boy Lucas had adored when they were younger, the same incredible, strong man that Luc had fallen in love with as an adult. Experiencing domestic moments like this only enforced Lucas’s conviction that he’d made the right decision.
“Come, love,” he said after all the dishes were loaded into the dishwasher. He had poured them each their preferred drink and led Jack upstairs to the bathroom.
Lucas’s bathroom wasn’t big, but he managed to transform it into a cosy little nook for this occasion. He had turned off the harsh light and only left a few candles to make it bright enough for them to see. They were all-natural scented candles as he’d learned Jack’s sensitive nose got irritated by harsh chemical ones. Lucas turned on the tap so that the bath would slowly fill then turned to his lover. He took both their glasses and set them aside, and then he linked his hands with Jack’s. His lover watched him with calm patience, and Lucas felt suddenly shy, his prepared speech tangling in his head. Taking a deep breath, he tried anyway.
“Jack, love. I know it hasn’t been long since we got back together. I know a lot has happened since we reunited. There were several revelations for both of us. I also know that we are now both older, with certain baggage that we’ll have to carry for the rest of our days. But all of this pales next to the fact that I love you.”
He took another breath which gave Jack time to say quietly with a gentle smile, “I love you too.” Lucas could feel his face form a smile without his conscious decision. The happiness was just too much to keep inside.
“Right.” He tried to mentally get back on track. Where was he? Oh yes. “So, like I said, nothing is as important as the fact that we love each other.” Lucas steeled himself and decided, what the hell, he might as well go all out. Falling to his knees, he pulled out a little box, opened it, and presented it to Jack. “Jack, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you agree to marry me?” Luc peered up into Jack’s startled face. It was clear he had not expected it. The man’s hands shook as he took the ring out of the box. Jack’s face scrunched as if he were about to cry, but he fell to his knees next to Luc and embraced him.
“Of course I’ll marry you, you silly man. I love you and want a forever with you,” he said, his voice thick with tears. Lucas couldn’t help but laugh, the joy spilling out of him in a loud sound. He hugged Jack tighter until the man oomphed. “Don’t squeeze the life out of me before we get there!” Jack joked as he pulled away and wiped his eyes. He put the signet ring on and admired it. It was shaped like a canine head, the eyes made in green gems. “I love it.” Jack grinned at him and Lucas grinned back.
“I thought you might.” He had specifically searched the internet for a special ring. He wan
ted to show his man that he accepted him just the way he was. Lucas schooled his face into a serious expression. “Just so you know, that also means that I want you to claim and change me. We are both adults. We know what we want. I believe it’s time we took it for ourselves.” Impossibly Jack brightened even more and nodded. “Right, let’s have the bath now,” he said, putting a hand on the side of the bath and pushing to his feet. His knees gave a mighty creek and he grimaced. In hindsight, maybe kneeling on the hard bathroom floor wasn’t the best idea. Jack seemed to agree if his grimace was any indication. Still, what was done was done. Lucas turned off the taps and checked the water. It was perfect. He grabbed a bottle of essential oils that was meant to be relaxing and put some in the bath. After that he turned to his lover.
Jack smiled at him flirtatiously as he unbuttoned his shirt. Luc grinned back. Oh yeah, he liked that. Watching Jack’s striptease, he nearly forgot about his own clothes. It was Jack’s pointed look that reminded him. Without any finesse Luc pulled off his T-shirt, then unbuttoned and pushed off his jeans. Jack was working on his slacks now, slowly pushing them down his hips. Lucas licked his lips, his cock sitting up in attention. Oh, Jack was a piece of art. His slim body was perfect in every way. He had a runner’s build, muscles built for endurance, not strength. Luc was impressed every time he saw it.
Jack pushed his slacks off along with his underwear and socks, then dipped his toe in the bath. He hissed but stepped in anyway. Giving Luc a big grin, he beckoned.
“Why don’t you join me, huh?” Luc only nodded and hurriedly rid himself of the last of his clothes. Jack sat down in the bath, and Lucas had to manoeuvre a little to fit in with him. In the end he decided to sit behind Jack’s back with his lover resting against his chest. Reaching for a big fluffy loofah, Lucas soaped it up and used it to wash his lover’s shoulders and back. Jack hummed in contentment at that. Luc had discovered that while Jack wasn’t an overtly affectionate man, he was very tactile. Lucas was happy with that and enjoyed cuddling with his lover, stroking, and petting him whenever he had a chance.